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Academic Project

Academic Project

The University of Rochester Baja SAE Team using Opkon potentiometers donated by Everight Position to measure steering angle and suspension height.

If your academic project looks like this:

  • Awesome idea
  • Enthusiastic classmates
  • Cases of Red Bull and Mountain Dew
  • Extremely limited financial budget

Everight Position wants to help. We are actively looking for University Clubs and Senior Design Projects to sponsor with free and/or heavily discounted rotary, linear and tilt sensors. With these sensors come our technical expertise on the installation, integrating the sensors into existing control systems and general market knowledge. Currently Everight is working with teams competing in the SAE Baja, Senior Design Capstones, University Rover Challenge, and the NASA Robotic Mining Competition: Lunabotics.

Contact Jarrod Orszulak ( jarrod@evrtp.com  ) to learn how Everight Position can help your team succeed.

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