Tilt Sensors (Inclinometers)

Inclinometers, also called tilt sensors, are designed to measure the angle of an object with respect to the force of gravity. These tilt or level meters determine pitch and/or roll angle and output these values via the appropriate electrical interface. Inclinometers are easy to integrate into an application because there is no need for mechanical linkages other than just the installation itself – a real advantage for design engineers. Available as single (up to 360°) or dual axis (up to +/- 90°) outputs, inclinometers are offered in a variety of electrical interfaces and housings which can withstand high pressure wash down or rated for hazardous environments.

Tilt Sensors (Inclinometers)

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NASA Lunabotics Challenge

Nearly fifty University Teams recently gathered in Florida for the NASA Lunabotics Challenge. The robots are tasked with driving, digging, and depositing regolith—the fragmented rock material that covers the moon’s surface—in a lunar simulant. Beyond robotics and mechatronics, the program teaches team work, project management and industry collaboration.

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PIPS Positek Inductive Position Sensing Technology

With the increasing sophistication of electronic controls for mechanical systems to provide both accuracy and flexibility of control, there is more demand for durable, accurate and easy to use displacement sensors. Customers are increasingly concerned about reliability, durability and the associated replacement costs of sensors. They also want sensors that can be easily connected and mounted.

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