Part no.: MR348 MRI-Safe Rotary Incremental Encoder
• 100% passive sensing design no electronics whatsoever
• Up to 1.25" through hollow design
• Sensor can be installed in all manner of hazardous locations and potentially explosive atmospheres
• Immune to EMI and RFI
The MR348 series Fiber Optic Incremental Sensor is an entirely passive, non-metallic incremental rotary encoder designed for use in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), functional MRI (fMRI), nanomagnetic detection, EMC test labs, and similar applications where immunity and transparency to electromagnetic fields is required.
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MR344 Hollow Shaft Incremental Fiber Optic Encoder
MR343 MRI Safe Incremental Linear Sensor
MR342 Incremental Fiber Optic Drawwire Linear Sensor
MR340 Incremental Controller for MR340__ Series Sensors
LVR, a Temperature Independent Alternative to LVDT’s in Harsh Environments
The LVR sensor (Linear Variable Resonance), is a new patented non-contact linear position sensor that is a potential replacement for the LVDT sensors in harsh environments.
‘Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap’ – The Gill Blade Sensor
Not all sensors live easy lives. While some will go on to do noble things such as aiding in medical surgery robotics or will find lives in cutting-edge cobots such as Boston Dynamic’s spot, others will live simpler, yet equally important lives, this article is dedicated to one of those unsung heroes, the Gill Blade Sensor.
Miniature Kit Encoders Ensure High Performance in Maxon Micromotors
With the increasing sophistication of electronic controls for mechanical systems, there is more demand for durable, accurate and easy to use displacement sensors. As automation becomes more common there is also an increasing sensitivity to price. Customers also want sensors that can be easily connected and mechanically integrated.
How To: Use an Open Collector Output
All new Gill level sensors come with a secondary output function which operates as a high or low level switch. So what is it and how do I use an Open Collector switch output?