Part no.: ACS – Analog – RS232
• Single or dual axis
• 360° (single), +/- 80° (dual)
• Voltage, Current or RS-232 interface
• Programmable filtering, scaleable range
Inclinometers, also called tilt sensor, clinometers or slope sensors, are designed to measure the angle of an object with respect to the force of gravity. These tilt or level meters determine the pitch and/or roll angle and output these values via the appropriate electrical interface. POSTIAL ACS inclinometers are available with a variety of different output interfaces and hosuings to fit the needs of a wide variety of applications
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POSITAL CCD 30mm Hollow Shaft Kit Encoder
There is a lot of talk about ‘data’ these days. But what can be just important as the data is how you communicate it.
Osico Oil-Mon: The Ultimate Oil Quality Sensor for Real-Time Monitoring
In the world of industrial machinery and high-tech equipment, maintaining optimal lubrication is not just a matter of efficiency—it’s a necessity for reliability and longevity. Particle contamination, water intrusion, and oxidation can transform lube oil from a machine’s lifeblood into its most insidious foe. While periodic lab analyses provide snapshots of oil health, imagine the possibilities if these critical parameters could be monitored continuously, in real time.
Nearly fifty University Teams recently gathered in Florida for the NASA Lunabotics Challenge. The robots are tasked with driving, digging, and depositing regolith—the fragmented rock material that covers the moon’s surface—in a lunar simulant. Beyond robotics and mechatronics, the program teaches team work, project management and industry collaboration.
What is a multiturn rotary encoder?
A multiturn rotary encoder is a sensor that measures the angle of rotation of a shaft, as well as the number of complete revolutions that the shaft has made. This is in contrast to a single-turn encoder, which only measures the angle of rotation, 0 – 360°. Multiturn encoders are used in a variety of applications where it is important to track the position of a moving object, such as in machine tools, robotics, and automation systems.