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Netzer Precision Position Sensors is introducing the VLH-35, a new product designed to meet the needs of the servo motor industry and its requirements for the next generation of industrial rotary motion control.
There is a lot of talk about ‘data’ these days. But what can be just important as the data is how you communicate it.
Rotary encoders are used in a variety of applications to provide feedback on position, speed, direction, or angle. There are several different encoder types...
Positek supplies a range of hydraulic cylinder position sensors that offer high-precision position monitoring in harsh environments such as industrial machinery...
POSITAL’s magnetic absolute rotary encoders are now available with the BiSS-C interface. These products are available in a wide range of mechanical configurations include a 36mm...
SSI hardware is fairly simple. Just use any RS-422 transceiver to generate the differential signals from/to the microcontroller port pins. Keep reading to learn about the different implementations of SSI hardware.
Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) is a widely used serial interface standard for industrial applications especially, rotary encoders. It is a point-to-point connection from a master (e.g. PLC, microcontroller or other control systems) to a slave (e.g. the rotary encoder).
In this example, the switch point has been set to ‘Full Alarm’. By setting the switch point to 90% with an 80% hysteresis, the switch will come on at 90% and switch off at 10%.
Robonaut 2 (R2) is a state-of-the-art, highly dexterous anthropomorphic robot. The robot is designed to work with humans and has the ability to use the same workspace and tools. The robot joints incorporate dual encoders for position and torque feedback

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